
RefuahCare is a community resource to help people navigate the healthcare system.

Our Services

About Refuah Care

The RefuahCare initiative started with two community members providing informal medical advocacy and support due to their knowledge of the healthcare system.

David  Brandeis, an experienced patient referral expert, and Mark Bamberger, a long-time advocate and support worker in Greater Manchester’s NHS trusts, recognized the need for a structured organization to serve the Manchester community.

In 2020, they officially launched Refuah Care. Since then, the demand for the service has grown, necessitating a larger team. RefuahCare is now an essential part of Manchester’s community services.

Our Mission & Values

Our Mission
& Values

Our mission is to handhold individuals and families to navigate the complex healthcare system with confidence and ease, giving them access to the healthcare system and resources necessary to make informed decisions and choices. We believe that, by providing thorough and reputable medical information, and through careful signposting, we can help every patient access the best care.


Dr Sean Loughran

Dr Sean Loughran

Endorsement by
Dr Sean Loughran

I have worked with Refuah care now for a number of years and have found their assistance for patients invaluable in improving the quality of care I provide to my patients. Their careful appropriate involvement is always in the patients interests and their knowledge and network of health experts they deal with ensures quality for their clients.

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