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Doctors Endorsements

Dr Sean Loughran

Dr Sean Loughran

Dr Sean Loughran

I have worked with RefuahCare now for a number of years and have found their assistance for patients invaluable in improving the quality of care I provide to my patients. Their careful appropriate involvement is always in the patients interests and their knowledge and network of health experts they deal with ensures quality for their clients.

Dr. J. Haselton

I am honoured to be asked to offer an endorsement for Refuah Care – their exceptional and compassionate team go above and beyond to support patients and their families, at times of medical need, working within a healthcare system that is in crisis. As someone who has witnessed the organisation’s remarkable impact on countless individuals, I am confident in recommending their services. They understand that healthcare encompasses not only physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. The group work to promote healthy living in order to prevent disease and improve the health of the community. Their holistic approach to healing fosters an environment of trust and support, making patients feel valued and heard throughout their journey to recovery. RefuahCare is deeply rooted in the community it serves advocating for appropriate high calibre care through the lens of a Jewish life.

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Dr. J. Haselton

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Professor A Bloor

Professor A Bloor

A cancer diagnosis poses significant physical and emotional challenges. David has worked with a number of my patients over the last few years who have really benefited from his assistance and advocacy supporting them through their cancer journey.

Patient Feedback

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